8 best foods to support women’s health
Women’s bodies have so many unique functions and need to be taken care of properly. Since your body is so different from men, your diet will look a bit different. Throughout various stages of life, your dietary needs might look slightly different. Certain times call for higher levels of nutrients and vitamins compared to others.
Here are the eight best foods to support a women’s health.
1. Spinach
Spinach is an excellent choice since it is full of iron. When you are premenopausal or pregnant will benefit your body since one cup of cooked spinach is packed with ove six mg of iron and contians lots of vitamin A. Iron helps regulate cell growth and vitamin K, which is important for normal blood clotting.
Eating a lot of spinach is recommended if you are pregnant. When pregnant, the blood volume and production of red blood cells increase, so you will need more iron. You can add this leafy green to many meals during the day. Include it in smoothies, breakfast omelets, salads or in pasta sauce.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli has many nutritious properties, making it a good choice for your diet. Veggies like broccoli have a compound that helps fight cancer cells since the chemical sulforaphane is found in it. It also increases your vitamin C intake by 135% in one cup and has some protein, vitamin K and folate.
You don’t have to eat fresh broccoli. Buying bags of frozen veggies is just as good as picking them up fresh. One cup of cooked broccoli is only 55 calories, so it is a great way to get nutrients without adding too many calories to your diet.
3. Blueberries
Berries are great for women since they have anthocyanidins that color them blue. They are rich in super-antioxidants and anti-inflammatory powers that lower heart disease, diabetes and arthritis and protect from memory loss.
Since they are high in antioxidants, they fight against wrinkles, free radicals and prevent urinary tract infections. Blueberries are a very convenient food you can eat alone, in salads or in Greek yogurt.
4. Almonds
Almonds contain vitamin E and alpha-linolenic acid. It has many prebiotics that eases stomach issues like irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea while boosting calcium absorption. You can eat them as a snack to lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol. Since they are also high in vitamin E, they are linked to helping reduce the risk of heart disease.
Many people are surprised to hear that a quarter cup of almonds contains more protein than one egg. Almonds can also increase happiness and fight depression since they have magnesium, which encourages dopamine production. Dopamine is essential since depression is a cause of female sexual dysfunction and can end up affecting your relationships. You can get these nuts from the grocery store, eat them alone or throw them in a salad.
5. Chicken
Although chicken is a great food to have in your diet at any time in life, it helps a significant amount when you are postmenopausal. As you age, there is a potential loss of bone density and estrogen starts to decline, resulting in a loss of muscle mass. When your muscle mass decreases, it makes it harder to go through daily life doing physical activities.
Inadequate protein and minimal physical activity are the biggest reason for strength loss. To prevent losing strength, you should continue to eat lean protein sources like chicken breast. One chicken breast contains over twenty grams of protein, a good portion of your daily value. It is best to get around 35% of your calories daily from protein, but it can fluctuate depending on your age and activity level.
6. Salmon
Another great postmenopausal food to eat is salmon. Vitamin D is essential for everyone but even more important if you are over the age of 70. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption to strengthen bones and boosts your immune system.
Salmon is an easy way to get almost all the recommended amount of vitamin D. It is rich in other nutrients, like vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, that help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease.
7. Yogurt
One cup of yogurt contains more calcium than a cup of milk. Eating yogurt will help you maintain a balance of gut bacteria since it contains Lactobacillus. It reduces problems with irritable bowel syndrome and other inflammatory digestive tract disorders.
8. Black Beans
This food is typically used in Mexican cuisines and is increasingly popular. Black beans are loaded with minerals such as magnesium and iron. They are a carbohydrate and a protein, making them counted for two areas on the food pyramid. If you consume beans regularly, it can help with blood sugar regulation and weight management.
Black beans have cancer-fighting properties due to chemicals called flavonoids. It is best to introduce beans into your diet slowly due to the amount of fiber they have. Beans are a cheap and delicious food to add to your diet for better nutrition.
Indulge in Nutritious Foods
Eating healthy foods that are high in nutrients will benefit you throughout your life. A healthy diet is the best form of self-care to give your body essential nutrients to thrive at all stages.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the eight best foods for women’s health?
The eight best foods for women’s health are spinach, broccoli, blueberries, almonds, chicken, salmon, yogurt, and black beans. These foods provide essential nutrients that support women’s health at different stages of life.
Why is spinach beneficial for women’s health?
Spinach is beneficial for women’s health as it is rich in iron and vitamin A. Iron helps regulate cell growth, while vitamin K is crucial for normal blood clotting. Women who are pregnant or premenopausal should eat a lot of spinach, as they need more iron due to an increase in blood volume and production of red blood cells. Spinach can be added to smoothies, breakfast omelets, salads or pasta sauce.
What are the benefits of eating broccoli for women?
Eating broccoli is beneficial for women’s health as it contains sulforaphane, which is a compound that helps fight cancer cells. Broccoli also increases your vitamin C intake by 135% in one cup and has some protein, vitamin K and folate. It is a great way to get nutrients without adding too many calories to your diet. You can buy bags of frozen broccoli or eat it fresh.
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