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How to Stay Healthy with Your Office Job

The festive period is officially over. That means we are back in the office. You might have promised yourself to be much healthier than you were last year. Maybe you have set yourself some fitness goals to complete in the next few months. You might have put on a little bit of weight over the Christmas period. 

If either of those is you, you have come to the right place. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy in your office job, and the stuff you need to be doing during your working hours to work on your health. 

How to Stay Healthy with Your Office  Job

Start The Day Right

No matter what job you do, breakfast is essential for everyone. It is the first meal of the day that fuels your body with energy. This energy is needed for your brain to function properly and can make you feel more focused and alert. 

There are many people out there that cannot eat as soon as they get up, whilst some people can have a meal in the first five minutes of getting up. Others are the opposite and cannot eat until they are a couple of hours into the day. Either way, everybody should have a little bit of something before they leave the house, no matter how small. 

If you are one of those that can’t eat a lot once they have woken up, consider eating a bit of fruit. It could be a banana, an apple or an orange. It could be anything that gives you a bit of energy. If you’re busy and on the go, why not consider making a healthy juice or smoothie packed full of goodness to take with you and enjoy on the go? Simply grab your favourite fruits, put them in a blender with delicious extras such as yoghurt, oats, honey or spinach and ginger for extra goodness and you have got yourself a breakfast in no time! 

Avoid Sugary Snacks

Sugary snacks are a pitfall for everyone’s health when working in the office. They trick your body into thinking that you are full of energy when in hindsight, it is the opposite. Yes, they might be a good burst of energy but they are not a good long term solution for getting you through the day. Furthermore, they are bad for your oral health and sugary snacks can lead to cavities, plaque and bad breath.

Saying that, we are all allowed to have a treat every once in a while, but try to avoid indulging in too many treats throughout the week. If, like most people, you get hungry in between your main meals, this is where the introduction of healthy snacks come in. That is why it is important to have some healthy snacks on the side. Consider a packet of nuts that provides you with your healthy fats, or maybe some dried or fresh fruit to go along with it. 

There are so many foods to choose from for healthy snacks. Again, you could even make a smoothie before you go to work and then you can have that later on. Try not to have too many smoothies throughout the day as these can also be too much sugar. 

Exercise Regularly 

Exercise is one of the most important things for you to stay healthy in your office job. It is recommended by health specialists that you should get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. Whilst that might sound a lot, it only works out at 30 minutes each day, which is easily doable.

It’s understandable that you might feel as though you don’t have enough time to exercise during the day. However, there are many ways to find time for exercise. If you do the 30 minutes a day routine, Monday to Friday, all you need to do is 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes when you return home, which is enough time for a brisk walk, HIIT routine or even a dance around the kitchen whilst cleaning. You could also go on a 15-minute walk at lunch if you wanted to get some exercise in then. Exercise is important for our health, that is why you should find a little bit of time each day to get some in. 

Bring Your Lunch With You

Meal prep is something that you should consider for your lunches throughout the week if you want to start being a little healthier. Additionally, you want to make sure that they are healthy as well. Meal preparation might sound like a lot of effort but it isn’t. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of meal prep recipes out there that you can cook yourself in no time at all. Invest in some good tupperware, stock up on your basic ingredients and herbs and spices and you’re all set!

When it comes to meal prep, variety is the spice of life. If you mix it up with two options per week, then you’ll be less likely to deviate away from your healthy eating. You need to find a few different recipes so you do not get bored of the same food, every week. As well as this, you want to make sure that the food you are prepping has all the correct macronutrients and micronutrients. Eating healthily during your working day is not only good for your physical health, but your mental health, too! After all, you are what you eat and if you regularly consume junk or sugary food, your emotions and body will go through very real fluctuation. If you are aiming to lose weight, make sure that the majority of your meal prep is filled out with protein and fresh foods. 

Plenty of Sleep

Last but not least, sleep. At the end of the day, we’re all different but the thing that we do all need is good quality sleep. If your body can function off six hours of sleep, then that’s what works for you. 

However, if you need more than that, aim for eight hours of sleep. Being too tired can affect your energy levels the next day. Your diet is important for fuelling your body with energy, but it can only get you so far. Nonetheless, you need to recharge your batteries now and again, and sleep is the cure for that. 

If you struggle sleeping, you may want to see your doctor about it. They may suggest that you need sleeping pills or take alternative methods. Some studies have shown that magnesium glycinate might help improve sleep, so it’s always worth exploring the supplement route if you’re still struggling.  

Get Natural Light

Whenever the sun comes out, make sure you go outside for at least 15 minutes. When working indoors in the office during the winter months, you will likely be low in vitamin D which can have huge affects on your health, both physically and mentlly. 

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for our body to stay healthy. It helps regulate the calcium and phosphate in the human body. This is why you need to get your daily requirement of vitamin D. If you believe that you are not getting enough vitamin D throughout the day, you should see your local GP as they might recommend implementing vitamin D tablets in your diet.

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