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Are Previous Clients a Good Way to Judge a Food Marketing Specialists?

Do you want to work with marketing specialists to take your brand to the next level? When you a busy business owner, you might not have the time and energy necessary to put into a good marketing campaign. Alternatively, you might not have the knowledge and experience to ensure it is successful. In this case, it is best to leave the job to marketing specialists.

But, all you have to do is google marketing specialists to see that there are so many companies to choose from. How can you possibly choose between them? Well, it is natural to see who their previous clients are. But, is this a good way to judge the company? Let’s take a closer look at the answer to this question.

Do Previous Clients Speak for Themselves?

So, you are examining a marketing agency’s website and you see that they have worked with a lot of clients. In particular, these are brands that you recognise and respect. Does this experience speak for itself? There is no doubt that this looks good for a marketing agency and this is exactly why they list clients on their website. Here is why this is a good thing.

Shows Experience in Your Niche

Marketing can be different depending on what industry you are in. For example, the marketing strategies that work for the medical industry might be very different for the sports industry. So, showing previous clients demonstrates whether this agency understands the niche you are in and has experience in this area. For instance, Ceres PR is a food marketing agency. They display a number of high-profile brands on their website to demonstrate they know the food industry well. You can find out more here. This includes big brands such as Love Your Gut, California Walnuts, Doves Farm and Paul Hollywood. Indeed, this shows they know what works when it comes to food marketing, which can give you peace of mind.

Helps to Create Trust

If you have never worked with a marketing agency before, it can be a huge step and one that makes you nervous. Seeing the previous clients that have trusted that agency before can make you feel better about the situation. Indeed, it can help you trust the team when you first start working with them and until you have seen results.

Demonstrates Expertise

Ultimately, having previous clients listed on the marketing agency’s website shows that they have the expertise that people like. It can be good to know that a team has years of experience and has worked with a variety of clients. In particular, you want to look for case studies on the agency’s website. This is really going to demonstrate what they can do and they have evidence to back up their success.

Other Factors to Consider

As we have discussed, seeing previous clients a marketing specialist has worked with can be reassuring. But, it is not the only thing you should look at. There are other factors you need to consider to ensure that you are making the right choice. Here are some of those factors.

Years of Experience

You can feel more confident with a company if they have been in operation for several years. In particular, you want their team to have experience and have dealt with similar clients before. This makes you feel better and you can feel at ease since they are going to know what they are doing. Thus, you want to look at the years of experience a marketing agency has before you hire them.

Good Reviews

Yes, big names look good on a website. But, you also want to make sure that other clients have been happy with the marketing services they have received. So, ensure that you take the time to read reviews about the agency. This is going to give you a better idea of what you can expect and whether other clients would recommend their services.

The Services You Want

When it comes to marketing, businesses can be looking for certain services. If you are not wanting the full package and are only after certain things, you need to make sure that a marketing agency is going to be able to offer you this. Otherwise, you might end up paying for services you do not want or need. Therefore, take a look around their website or send them an email. Make sure that you are going to get the services your business needs.

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