Kitchen Clean-Up: 10 Useful Tips for Hygiene and Food Safety at Home
A clean kitchen makes preparing food for the person cooking safer and ensures your food is safe to consume. In this article, we’ll cover ten tips to enforce food safety and hygiene in your kitchen.
1. Start by doing the little things
You don’t need to clean the entire kitchen whenever you want to maintain its cleanliness. Doing small cleaning tasks while in the kitchen helps ensure your kitchen stays clean for a long time. That’s because you’ll have less to clean up, as no messes or clutter will accumulate over time.
Examples of small cleaning tasks you can do while in the kitchen are putting things away, wiping surfaces whenever possible, and so on. Keeping some cleaning tools nearby can make that easier for you.
While these small cleaning tasks might initially feel insignificant, they can add up over time. You’ll notice that most during the days when you’re in a particular mood to clean up. Since you’ve been picking up after yourself in small ways in the kitchen, there won’t be as much of a buildup to clean in the first place.
2. The power of regular cleaning
Although picking up small clutter and dirt here and there is OK with reducing the buildup, it’s not as effective as regular cleaning.
The surfaces where you handle food can contaminate the food you’re preparing if you don’t clean it. Aside from that, poor organization of kitchen tools and utensils can get in your way as you cook. That’s why a regular cleaning session is still something you’ll need in your kitchen.
The more often you use your kitchen, the more likely you’ll need to clean it deep at some point. A deep clean is the best time to thoroughly clean things like your oven, fridge, nooks, and crannies that regular cleaning doesn’t.
If you want to clean your kitchen deeply but are too busy to start, hiring a professional cleaner such as Maid Sailors maid service austin to do the work can help.
3. Focus on the sink
Since the sink is often where you wash dishes, prepare food, and even wash ingredients, keeping it clean is vital.
One way to clean the sink is by scrubbing it down. All you need is a cleaner and a stiff-bristled brush of some kind. You can start scrubbing the sink that way. It will remove soap scum, leftover food debris, and so on.
Aside from the sink basin, the drain is also crucial. You can also use a wire brush to scrape through the drain. However, you can clear the drain with a drain-cleaning tool or solution. You can also concoct one from home using baking soda and vinegar.
4. Appliance awareness is critical.
Kitchen appliances also need special care and attention. Too many people do not pay enough attention to their cleanliness, especially ovens and microwaves, which might be a hassle to clean.
Make sure to wipe down stove tops so there are no buildups, especially around the nooks and crannies.
When you clean the microwave and oven, ensure they’re plugged off when you cool them down. Then, scrape off any food scraps stuck around them. Don’t use a scraper that’s too hard. Then, you can use your preferred cleaner to wipe down around your oven. Some people let it sit overnight. You can settle for a few hours. After that, you can start wiping it down with a microfiber cloth.
Get rid of expired food regularly in the refrigerator. Different fridges may have different rules for when you have to unplug the refrigerator to clean it, so know the manufacturer’s rules before you clean.
5. Handle food with care always
Being mindful of how you handle raw meat is crucial to food safety. Having separate cutting boards for meat, vegetables, and other foods can help reinforce that boundary.
Handling leftovers is also crucial. You want to store them in a freezing place, like your fridge, and a secure container. When you reheat them, ensure all parts of the food are reheated. However, regardless of how long it has been since you put the leftovers away, the safest bet is only to eat them if they smell good.
Also, leave food at room temperature only after being in a properly sealed container for long periods. If you have leftovers, it is crucial to store them as soon as possible in a sealed container and put them in the fridge.
6. Cutting board proper care
Generally, it is best to clean your cutting board after every use. Warm, soapy water is always good. Remember to scrub the cutting board as you clean. If you use a wood cutting board, don’t let it soak in the water for too long. Otherwise, it can warp the shape of your cutting board.
When using the cutting board, avoid cutting into it as you use your knife. It can create grooves in the cutting board where bacteria can stay, making it harder to clean.
7. Dishwashing made easy
Hand washing and using a dishwasher has its pros and cons.
Dishwashers offer the convenience of putting in dirty dishes and then stepping away, so they’re great for busy days. However, not everything in the kitchen can be cleaned by a dishwasher. Sharp knives and delicate kitchenware should usually be hand-washed.
Also, an item usually states if it’s dishwasher safe, so be on the lookout for that. A good rule to follow, though, is if it’s delicate, you most likely don’t want to wash it in the dishwasher.
8. Cleaning up the trash is essential
Avoid leaving your trash in the kitchen for too long. Even if the garbage is in the trash can, waiting too long to take it out can attract pests. That’s why you should regularly take out the trash from your kitchen, mainly since it deals with food scraps.
If you know how to turn food scraps into compost, you should find ways to use them. Better yet, you should avoid food waste wherever possible in your cooking.
9. Preventing cross-contamination is a practice
As mentioned earlier, one of the best ways to avoid cross-contamination in your food is by having separate cutting boards. Any ready-to-eat food should be sliced on a different cutting board than where you slice raw meat.
Also, get into the habit of washing your hands thoroughly when handling raw meat during cooking. This will help you avoid as much potential cross-contamination as possible.
10. Clean hands, safe hands
Regular hand washing is proper hygiene that will serve you well, even outside the kitchen. While you don’t have to wash your hands every time you do something in the kitchen, you should do so when handling raw meat before and after. Washing hands before, during, and after cooking is part of developing good kitchen habits that avoid cross-contamination.
With these kitchen hygiene tips, you can ensure that the food from your kitchen is as clean as possible. You can increase the food safety in your home. At the same time, you’re feeding everybody food that you cooked yourself. Knowing these kitchen hygiene tips ensures that bacteria won’t compromise your food as much as possible.
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